The GOWDY Family

Obituaries from Blue Mountain Newspapers


SOUTHERN SENTINEL - January 10, 1935

Blue Mountain, Jan. 6 --- Fred Gowdy, 30, son of A. E. Gowdy of Blue Mountain, died at his home in Memphis.  He was stricken with pneumonia and succumbed in three or four days.  He had not been very strong for several months, having injured his back while lifting a heavy load. 

Fred Gowdy was born and reared here, lacked only a little of graduating from Mississippi Heights Academy, served for four years in the U. S. Navy, and for the last few years has lived in Memphis.  For  a while he worked at the Ford Motor Co. there; but for three or four years he has been a member of the Memphis Fire Department.

He had been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant in the service and had been slated for a Captaincy. He was very popular with the firemen of his station and with the entire service.

He married Miss Etna King of Arkansas.  She and their three sons survived him, the sons being Fred Wayne, Robert and Kenneth, all of Memphis.  He is also survived by the following brothers: Herbert Gowdy and A. E. Gowdy of Memphis and Bill and Sam Godwin Gowdy of Blue Mountain.

His funeral was conducted in Memphis by Dr. Black of the Baptist Church, assisted by Rev. E. A. Autry, formerly of this place.   Interment was in a Memphis cemetery.

SOUTHERN SENTINEL, January 10, 1935

Fred Gowdy died recently at Memphis, age 30/son of A. E. Gowdy of Blue Mountain/ married Etta King of Arkansas/children are Fred Wayne, Robert, and Kenneth/brother to Herbert Gowdy and A. E. Gowdy of Memphis and Sam Gowdy of Blue Mountain.