The GOWDY Family

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Charles Scott Gowdy - submitted by Ronna Lee Pavone

Vancleve Man Weds
Charles Gowdy Takes New Year's Bride at First View Colorado

News that has reached this city from First View, Colorado, tells of the wedding at high noon on New Years day of Mr. Chas. Gowdy of Vancleve and Miss Charlotte Kerr, daughter of Mrs. A. A. Kerr of First View.

Red and white formed the color scheme of the wedding, and the decorations of the Kerr home were very pretty .  Miss Mary kerr, sister of the bride played the wedding march by Mendelssonn.  The couple was unattended, and during the ceremony Mill Lela Thompson "The Melody of Love." Rev. Mr. Martin read the service.  The bride wore a pretty gown of white silk mull, trimmed in Valenciennes lace, and carried a bouquet of white carnations.  A two course wedding dinner followed the ceremony.

The bride is a popular young woman of First View, and her husband is equally as well know in the community which he resides.  Mr. and Mrs. Gowdy will be at home on their farm at Van Cleve after January 15.

James Harvey Gowdy - submitted by James Lee Gowdy
James Harvey Gowdy resided in Colorado Springs, CO and had a son James Wheeler Gowdy who was from Colorado Springs, CO and Quartz Hill/Lancaster, CA.  James has a son Edwin Lee Gowdy, Colorado Springs, CO. Edwin had a son James Lee Gowdy, born in Kennewick, Washington. James is currently living in Long Island, NY.

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